KCACTF Region 6 Workshop Proposals
Workshop Call
Come help us celebrate everything that is theatre and the entertainment industry by sharing your expertise to a diverse audience of students, staff, and faculty from 2-year programs to graduate schools throughout KCACTF Region 6. Everyone has something to offer that is unique and inspiring to others. Please help share the wealth of knowledge that is KCACTF Region 6, as well as build your resume.
Basic Information
Workshops are 75 minutes for a single session or 150 minutes for a double session.
Workshops can be geared to specific skill levels: beginner to advanced. Don’t assume your topic is too basic or too advanced. There is likely an audience for what you have to offer.
For scheduling purposes, presenters will be limited to presenting only 3 workshops at any one festival.
For popular topics presenters may be asked to present a workshop at two different times in the week.
In order to facilitate scheduling, please keep the workshop coordinator informed of any changes to your proposal or to your time availability due to other festival commitments. Please contact Biz Nelson kcactf6.cochair2@gmail.com
Undergraduate students will not be permitted to present workshops on their own, however, Graduate Students are encouraged to apply to lead workshops.
All workshop proposals are tentatively accepted, unless informed otherwise by workshop coordinator, Biz Nelson. You will not be informed as to when and where your workshop is until the calendar of events comes out in February on the website.
Please click on the link below to propose a workshop. Please keep the following in mind when filling out the form:
Be clear and concise in both your title and your description.
Make the title and the description exciting but try not to make them overly descriptive or verbose.
Make sure both the title and the description clearly describe what will be happening in your workshop.
Be sure to edit for length, grammar, and content.
Be concise in your bios. Please limit the length of your bio to 100 words or less or it will be edited to that length.
Please include estimated set-up and tear-down times as many rooma are booked back-to-back with limited time in-between.
What you submit on the form will be used to publish the schedule.